Monday, September 22, 2014

Podcast Episode 2 – Segment 2 – Questions and Answers

Okay, this is the Q&A section and we have three questions today. 

The first question comes from Nick ------ and he wants to know the difference between “ACTIVE “and “PROACTIVE”. 

Well, Nick, to be active means to
move around a LOT. So if you’re not active, you will get fat and another example. “It is important to keep your mind active, especially as you get older.” So ACTIVE means movement; moving around.

To be proactive means to act or to move in anticipation of some future problem or some future opportunity. So for example, saving money in the bank is proactive because you might have an emergency and need the money in the future. 

Now, Nick, I made a big example using both of the words in the same paragraph and it’s about my son. So Nick, I hope this makes it clear. 

“My younger brother is very active. Sometimes his activity causes him to get hurt. When he is active in the kitchen, I must be proactive. I must look for potential dangers and remove them. Ah! There is a knife in the sink. I don’t want my younger brother playing with that. I’ll clean it and put it away before he finds it.” 

So Nick, I hope that the last example was clear. My younger brother is ACTIVE and I was being PROACTIVE in order to protect him so that he didn’t get hurt, okay?

Our next question is from Cathy ----- and she wants to know about the “r” sound. The “r” sound after “th”, is it like the Spanish “r”? Now when we say the Spanish “r”, this is kind of my expression and I mean the “rrrrr, reeba, reeba, reeba” that’s my Spanish “r” so that rolling “rrrrr” that type of “r” many countries have this type of “r” sound. So if there is a “th” and then an “r” is it like the Spanish “r”.

For example, “three, throw, through, thrive” and my answer Cathy, is NO, no, it’s not. The “r” does not touch the top of the mouth, the roof of the mouth, specifically the alveolar ridge. The tongue doesn’t touch, so let’s look at the number “three”. So “three”, let’s just say “ree, ree, ree(American r)” not “ree, ree, ree(Spanish r)”. Not that “ree, ree (American r)” and then let’s add the “th”, “three, three, three”. 

When you do the “th” sound, immediately bring your tongue down. Don’t let the tongue go up, otherwise, you say three (with Spanish r), go down “three,three”. 

And the same with “throw”, for example, throw the ball, “row, row, row, throw, throw, throw, throw the ball” through, “roo, roo, roo”, kangaroo, kangaroo, through, through, through and thrive, “rive, rive”, thrive, thrive so no, there is no rolling “r”. We don’t say “three, throw, through, thrive (with Spanish r)”. It’s three, throw, through, thrive.

So, Cathy, keep practicing. Get that “r” sound down and in America that “r” sound is very important.

And the third question comes from Mohamed -------. I hope my pronounced that right, Mohamed. Mohamed’s question is why is the “d” in friends silent? Friends. That’s a great question. Let me give you a really short free lesson. 

We have three strong sounds in American English the “s, n and l”. Those sounds are very strong. We can always hear those sounds and we have three weak sounds in American English the “d, t and th”. Those are very weak, many times we can’t hear them, especially when a strong sound is next to a weak sound, the weak sound can be cancelled. And that’s what happens in the word “friends”. We have an “n, d, s”. The “n” and the “s” are strong sounds and the “d” is a weak sound, so we can cancel the “d” and just say “friends, friends”. Mohamed and I are friends. We are friends. I have two friends. Friends. Got it? 

Thanks a lot for your questions and maybe I will get it on the podcast or maybe I’ll make a video for you. I do have lots of questions to go through so please be patient… 

پہلا سوال نک کی جانب سے ہے وہ active  اور  proactive  کے درمیان فرق جاننا چاہتا ہے۔

Active کا مطلب ہے مستعد، پھرتیلا، چاک و چوبند، تیزی سے حرکت کرنے والا

جبکہ   proactive  کا مطلب ہے پیش بندی، کسی بھی متوقع خطرے یا  کسی بھی پرابلم سے بچنے کی تدبیر اختیار کرنا مثلاً میرا چھوٹا بھائی بہت ایکٹو ہے اسکی اکثر سرگرمیاں اس کے نقصان  کا باعث بنتی ہیں جس کی وجہ سے مجھے پروایکٹو ہونا پٹرتا ہے  جب بھی وہ کچن میں ہوتا ہے  اور میں چھری  جیسی تمام چیزیں چھپا دیتا ہوں۔

مجھے امید ہے کہ یہ مثال آپ کو سمجھنے میں مدد دے گی اس میں میرا چھوٹا بھائی ایکٹو اور میں اس کی حفاظت کے لئے پرو ایکٹو  proactive  ہوں۔

دوسرا سوال حامد کی طرف سے ہے وہ پوچھتا ہے کہ  friends  بولتے وقت  d  کی آواز کیوں نہیں آتی یعنی  فرینڈز کی بجائے فرینز  بولا جاتا ہے۔

اسکی وجہ تین سٹرونگ ساونڈز ہیں جو کہ تین ویک ساونڈ کو  کینسل کر دیتی ہیں (strong sound: s,n,l and weak sound: d,t,th) friends  میں بھی   s  سے پہلے  d  آ رہا ہے جس کی وجہ سے  d  کی آواز نہیں سنائی دیتی۔

Podcast Episode # 2

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